The SNOW WHITE Pitch Meeting.

There’s a certain amount of intrinsic contempt in this particular Pitch Meeting. It feels like Ryan George didn’t think SNOW WHITE deserved anything more than contempt. That Disney was insulting us all by actually seeing it through.

Also: while not objectively true, this comment is objectively hilarious.

4 thoughts on “The SNOW WHITE Pitch Meeting.”

  1. While tempting to just say “the Disney execs are out of touch” it seems a touch (but only a touch) unfair …

    .. because entertainment is so fragmented these days it’s almost impossible to make a halfway decent film without several different panders to different fragments …

    … and attempting to do a “live action remake” for a movie with a disturbingly slow pace (because it was about showing the artistry) without pander pander pander pander is .. not gonna happen.


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