4 thoughts on “And now, for today’s dose of Oh, HELL No: Dinner in the Sky.”

  1. I’d be annoyed by the wind that would likely be blowing and what do they do to avoid people getting hit by something that happens to fall off the table? Block off a whole bunch of beach below the thing? Kind of a waste of beach front property if so… Yeah. Lame.

    1. There was a pretty stiff topsail breeze going on – did you see the violinist’s hair whipping round? I wonder how much sway was going on with that cable, too. Note that everyone was wearing a safety harness, especially the servers and musician. Definitely not my pipe of tea.

  2. *Maybe*, for the experience, but .. in fairness, I’d get nearly as much out of dining on a nearby 20 story hotel rooftop or a *decent size* balcony on a 20th floor hotel room – with view, of course.
    p.s. Or, you know, someplace like this: http://www.pickledfishrestaurant.com/

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