I picked up Neil Gaiman’s Forbidden Brides of theFaceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire this evening as part of Date Night, which this week instead became Wife Needed To Go Be All Phd-y For Once For An Old Mentor’s Sake So Her Husband Volunteered To Drive To The University With Her So She’d Have Somebody To Talk To During The Ride Night. Since I don’t actually speak Engineering or Robotics, I of course meandered over to the university’s college town, which is apparently now these days completely populated with fifteen year olds. Fortunately, the comic book store was still there.
Alas, the Amazon reviews for it are not promising. Still, it was either this or Curse of Strahd, and Curse of Strahd was fifty bucks (it’s thirty on Amazon, though*). Sometimes you just have to make the call.
Moe Lane
*I have a birthday coming up at the end of the month, and my mother and father-in-law both understand that I love me some gift certificates, so hopefully it’ll still be thirty bucks in three weeks.
Pretty meh on that one, but I’m eyeing his retelling of Norse myths with more interest than I really should. (It’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the source material. I just want to see the craftsmanship of his retelling. And maybe vent a bit of nerdrage if he messes something up badly.)