A highly entertaining pissing contest.
City sculptor Alex Gardega — seething over the “Fearless Girl” statue being placed across from Wall Street’s “Charging Bull” — has decided to retaliate with a work of his own.
Gardega created a statue of a small dog, titled “Pissing Pug,” and his sloppily crafted pooch takes direct aim at “Fearless Girl” — or, at least, at her left leg.
Via Instapundit. For those keeping score at home: some corporation decided to make some cheap PR bank by commissioning and placing the Fearless Girl statue so that it looked like it was in the way of the Charging Bull. Although, to be fair: it was supposed to be temporary, because only a gormless idiot would have decided not to have the statue removed. So, after the mayor of New York decreed that it be made permanent*, this Gardega guy decided to make his own artistic statement about the whole thing. Clearly, we now have to have somebody make a statue of a flea and have it attack the dog. And so on, and so on, and so on…
Moe Lane
*That ain’t a political statement. That’s an observation that Bill de Blasio is as about as sharp as a sack of wet mice. I’m retired, not blind.
I think the girl statue is completely apt, as is the response.
1)A wise-@ss child standing in the way of prosperity, yet secretly in league with Megacorp Inc.: Totally accurate.
2)Irritated artist makes counter-counter-art: *This* is what art is supposed to be. I’ll take these guys over an amorphous blob representing “A Tree and A Pet Rock” any day of the week.
“Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin’lat. Everyone took protection within the walls except one man who remained outside. I went to him and asked what he was doing. “I am not afraid,” the man said. “I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me.” I honored his choice and went inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was killed. The wind does not respect a fool.” -Kahless
I imagine the Charging Bull running over the Fearless (or Foolish) Girl.
That’s one bit that’s particularly irritating to me. She’s standing there seemingly defiant in front of the bull. But in real life, the bull wouldn’t care. She’d be a trampled mess.
There’s also the parasitic nature of the girl statue, of course. No one would care about the statue if it weren’t positioned directly in front of the bull. And the sculptor who created the bull wasn’t consulted to get his opinion before the girl was placed in front of it.