Game of the Week: Hasbro Monopoly Socialism.

No, I am being completely serious. Monopoly Socialism sounds amazing.

But don’t take my word for it: check out this infuriated Twitter review by an annoyed socialist!

The thread. Oh, my, that thread. Even if you don’t ‘do’ Twitter, that thread will reward your attention. That thread put this game on my Wish List, and I have ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR BOARD GAMES*. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh, and so forth. So check it out.

Moe Lane

*Once you start, you can’t stop. I’ve seen this. I’ve seen this.

5 thoughts on “Game of the Week: Hasbro Monopoly Socialism.”

  1. Considering the original was invented by Socilalists as a rigged straw-man of “Property Is Theft™”, I consider the turnabout to be Fair Play.

    1. *ahem* Commissar has informed me that “That’s Not Funny™”. I denounce myself, and go now to Gulag.

  2. Ugh. Those comments and the game snobs. “Monopoly is a horrible game.” Dude, I guarantee that folks will still be playing it in 50 years. You may not be playing Scythe or Snowdonia next year. Also- “You’d buy a game just to put it in your closet to own the libs. Heh.” Most of the games I buy go straight in my closet “To be played soon.” (Stares at that copy of Kingdom Death.)
    Also, this is apparently part of a Hasbro parody line which includes a Risk version with an office politics theme, a “Figure out what you did last night in Vegas” Clue, “Quarter-Life Crisis” Life, Mystery Date: Catfished, Botched Operation and Guess Who: High School Reunion, which strikes a little too close to home for me. Mostly Target exclusives, it seems.

  3. Lots of horrible games will still be played in 50 years.
    Most board games are played by kids, generally members of the same family, with different cognition levels. This being the case, an emphasis on randomness and dramatic reversals is a selling point.
    A game where my elementary school daughter has an even odds chance of beating me isn’t a good game, but that’s missing the point.
    Old Maid is a horrible card game, but there are more people playing it than bridge, canasta, and cribbage combined.

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