Didn’t get far because I have a ton of stuff to do, but got to here:
Yeah. Spreading black tendrils of goo + overlapping circles drawn in blood + the words ‘RESEARCH LAB’ = Exactly why did I get out of bed, again? I mean, I’m pretty much screwed at this point because the power’s out and I’m on Mars, so I might as well go back to bed and face the encroaching cosmic horror with my comforting pillow and blanket. Hell, at the very least I should turn the flashlight off. It’s not like it’s gonna help, either.
Moe Lane
PS: I’m gonna have fun playing MOONS OF MADNESS, mind you. It’s my character that I’m shaking my damn head at. Poor bastard’s being manipulated by forces at a higher plane of reality (me), and he can’t even perceive them… HEY!
It helps if you laugh maniacally.
This is why I have never understood the ‘games’ where in these types of situations you only have a flashlight/camera. I do not know about anyone else, but I would pick up a sharp stick or break a chair and use the debris in ANY of those situations. Why surrender your own agency?
Sure, but you’re *smart*. To even become a character in a horror scenario, “makes poor choices” is required atop the call sheet.
Since this is the Secret World setting, those tentacles almost certainly indicate The Filth. A pointy stick isn’t going to help much.
Of course, the protagonist probably doesn’t know that yet, since he’s typical Orochi fodder.
Trailer looks interesting.
Btw, did you ever get around to playing Prey? (If you haven’t, I reccomend.) I ask because I got very similar vibes from a good chunk of the trailer (but more linear, with a much smaller skill tree).
The Xbox version of Prey is $6 at Bestbuy at the moment, BTW.