I have spent forty years trying to visualize how the Light of Valinor in the Silmarillion worked. Which is why I’m not upset that they put the Two Trees together; sure, it doesn’t visualize what Tolkien was thinking, but what can? I can almost guarantee that the man did not waste a single moment on worrying about how tough some poor bastard would find it to actually put some of this stuff up on the screen.
It definitely looks pretty, though.
It probably Will Not Suck™ on the Visuals account. However, the Hobbit still made stupid amounts of money, so I have every confidence that taught them all the wrong lessons.
What they did to the weirwoods of aSoIaF bugged me and threw me out of the story.
This is fine. (Visually.)
I expect it to suck.
Especially after the He-Man fiasco.
And after the academic Tolkein Society went nucking futs. (Yes, a Eurocentric pseudomythlogy is Eurocentric. And “A Journey to the West” is chock-full of Chinamen. That’s the fricking point. If you don’t like it, build your own myth, and we’ll see how it stacks up.)