…in fact, in my experience the easy answer is usually the wrong one, so: they’re probably not. Which means that it’s just a malignant coincidence, or the networks are taking the opportunity to save face by axing shows that they shouldn’t have green-lit in the first place, or — something else. Either way, this ain’t a great time to be in the television program business.
Moe Lane
PS: My opinions on the strike itself are mildly complicated. Working conditions probably do suck in that business. I don’t know that for certain, though, because I don’t know anybody in that business.
:level look:
CW has never turned a profit. Now is the time to cut the larger losses.
Supernatural had a good five seasons and reached a natural end.
Then they kept it on life support while they abused the corpse into a sticky red puddle.
Launching a prequel after that fiasco is somehow more horrifying than the demons in the show.
The Flash had a great first season, and a decent second season, but firing the entire writing staff at the end of every season didn’t take long to crap out. (And the “We wanted a different tone each season” holds no water when you’re talking about the capeiest of capes.)
Arrow was good for a while.
CW has had some good shows, but they’ve ruined them.