Physical therapy today!

Getting old sucks. They think it’s just that my shoulder needs regular stretching, and maybe something that could turn into tendonitis if I’m not careful. So they had me do those deceptively easy stretches that end up making you sweat and tremble by the end, and then dumped electrical pulses into my shoulder. I liked that part: when they asked me if having it all the way turned up was a problem, I almost bellowed More Weight!

Still, twice a week sessions and daily stretches. See earlier comment about getting old.

Moe Lane

PS: TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION went on sale today. Part of the Big Based Book Sale, so check it out.


2 thoughts on “Physical therapy today!”

  1. You can get home versions of the electricity machine. I think my wife called it a tens unit.

  2. I have a regular visit to the chiropractor every 3-4 weeks .. I can go out to 8-10 without significant discomfort but.. if I go every 3-4, things don’t stiffen up as fast.

    I have started an every-six-weeks trip to an acupuncturist .. I find it relaxing, although I don’t know if I will continue it next year. Not sure of actual benefits yet.

    I view this as delayed payback from the universe for summer breaks spent doing (in hindsight) rather insane and dangerous things, many involving two wheels, mounds of dirt, and no supervision.


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