An Obama/Roberts match is unlikely, alas.

I’ve been meaning to mention this for a week, and am now finally getting around to this particular absurdity regarding a hypothetical rhetorical match-up between President Obama vs. Chief Justice Roberts:

The debate between the men, by necessity, takes place in this way — indirectly, and soon through the confirmation hearing of a new nominee. Christopher Edley Jr., an Obama adviser and dean of the law school at the University of California at Berkeley, said it was a shame the two could not have at it one on one.

“Televise this chief justice and this president on stage at the Kennedy Center for three hours talking about the role of government and the future of our polity,” Mr. Edley said. “This historic clash of intellectual titans would be the most powerful civics lesson since the Federalist Papers, and we could sure use it.”

Why am I calling it an absurdity?

The VRWC is cruel, yes: but no matter what our enemies say of us, we do not drown kittens for sport.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

4 thoughts on “An Obama/Roberts match is unlikely, alas.”

  1. I don’t get the basis for the assertion that Obama’s some sort of brilliant thinker. He doesn’t appear to be well-grounded in the arguments for his own policy, and when he tries to speak extemporaneously, he stutters and stammers worse than Bush ever did.

    As for his prepared speeches, well, I hate to break it to the Obamatons, but… he has speech writers. Yes, just like Palin.

  2. Sorry, this historic clash of intellectual titans will never occur. There would be only one intellectual titan on stage, and Obama knows it. He would wind up looking like more of a moron than he actually is, which takes some doing.

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