#rsrh Thad McCotter (R, MI) to run for President?


That should be interesting.

Yes.  Interesting.

Moe Lane

PS: What?  No.  No, I like Thad… about 70, 80% of the time.

6 thoughts on “#rsrh Thad McCotter (R, MI) to run for President?”

  1. He’s my Rep. and I think this is a BAD Idea. I’ve noticed that he does that from time to time. Not Happy right now.

  2. I read that title and thought to myself, “who?”. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable. Not a good sign for Thad.

  3. Expanding on what I said on The Other McCain:
    Thad McCotter supported the auto-bailout and Cash-For-Clunkers. If he is elected POTUS, Government Motors would stay Government Motors and he be a tool for the auto unions. I think I’ll pass on McCotter.

  4. McCotter bought a booth at the upcoming Ames Straw Poll in August…I think it was to the tune of $15k. Maybe he is just going to hawk his book some more?

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