5 thoughts on “I am taking off today.”

  1. Load up on zinc, it’s shown to ease the symptoms of a cold better than vitamin C can. The ‘Airborne’ effervescent tabs usually make me feel right as rain and it’s full of zinc gluconate goodness. And chicken soup has slight anti-inflammatory properties and helps loosen up mucus. But chicken soup doesn’t hold a candle to the holy hand grenade of mucus busting: Mucinex DM.

  2. Zinc, Mucinex D, 2 Aleve, Fluids/rest if respiratory. If its the vomitting your kid had last week: good luck, pray to the porcelain god, have flashbacks to all those college parties.

  3. Moe, you brilliant so-and-so! The more I think about it, the more I can’t imagine watching Iowa unfold while NOT being buzzed on cold meds.

    The Two Hats Cold Treatment

    –One Winter Hat
    –One large bottle of whiskey

    1. Get comfortable in bed.
    2. Place winter hat on post at foot of bed.
    3. Drink whiskey until you see two hats.

    Rest, vitamin C, and additional non-whiskey hydration are also recommended but optional and for girls.

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