Amazing how things can go down dark paths, huh? Also, how about Kinect Star Wars*?

This article may have started as a post about dismissive arguments people use when they’re wrong, but it ended as being a primal scream for help about Kinect Star Wars:

Apropos of nothing, it’s nice to have the ability to link to again.  And by ‘nice’ I mean ‘satisfyingly exploitative.’

Via @benhowe.

Moe Lane

*Not that I have direct knowledge.

4 thoughts on “Amazing how things can go down dark paths, huh? Also, how about Kinect Star Wars*?”

  1. I almost always love John Cheese’s posts. (and conversely almost always hate David Wong’s) Probably for similar reasons…

  2. Ah, that explains why I couldn’t find the link when I was book shopping. THE ONE TIME I REMEMBER TO TRY!!

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