Hey, new Demotivational poster! …and symbol of my failure.

I tried and I tried, but I just couldn’t harden my heart enough.

It’s truly heartbreaking.  I mean, even though I was a Democrat when I was younger I still believed in things, you know?  I was my own man.  I didn’t need the Republicans in order to define my own worth.  And now it’s come to this.  A hollow party campaigning for a hollow man.


Moe Lane

(H/T: Instapundit)

5 thoughts on “Hey, new Demotivational poster! …and symbol of my failure.”

  1. If this is all they have to bring to the party, they’re gonna get shellacked- just like they did in ’02 and ’10, just like the Reps did in ’06 and ’08, and for the same reason: You can’t beat something with nothing.

  2. “The best things in life are to slay your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women and children.”-Genghis Khan
    I put this under to hear the lamentations part.

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