So. A travesty and abomination, yes.  But is it a TOTALLY WICKED…

So. A travesty and abomination, yes.  But is it a TOTALLY WICKED AWESOME travesty and abomination? - Because I have give it points for being single-minded in the way it strips down LotR into something we’ll politely call its ‘essentials.’

8 thoughts on “So. A travesty and abomination, yes.  But is it a TOTALLY WICKED…”

  1. I weep for the children. What? No great sword wielding hobbits? This is like giving superpowers to Hamlet.

  2. O.K. That was hilarious. I retire from the field, vanquished, humiliated, but giggling.

  3. I guess they’re not on board with the whole “subtle magic of Middle Earth” thing…

  4. Agree with Skip, looking forward to Lego fun in Middle Earth. Used to be a hard core gamer, kids make me appreciate the casual games more.

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