The Obama administration has already agreed to spend at least $23 million on public relations and marketing for ObamaCare. And now it says it’s about to spend $8 million more.
Somebody tell Barack Obama that this isn’t a video game. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much money you spend: that power bar just ain’t going to fill up.
Obamacare is the Iraq of the Obama administration.…
— Ben Domenech (@bdomenech) April 22, 2013
Moe Lane
PS: Free PR suggestion: have them stop calling it ‘Obamacare.’ Expensive PR suggestion: explaining how to do that.
Are you sure it is a matter of throwing good money after bad on PR, or could be simply feeding more money to cronies in sweetheart deals?
Yes. 😉
“The dogs won’t eat the dog food”. -Old PR story.
So what should they call it? “HarryCare”? “Pelosi’s Surprise”? How about “Max Baucus’ Folly”?