QOTD, The White House Feels Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Too Self-Centered edition.

It’s going to take a lot to break through the background noise of politics and beer that is the RedState Gathering for me this year, but this will do. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is apparently using her position as DNC chair to push her political fortunes, and this is upsetting the Oval Office.

One senior Democratic source said the White House was “absolutely outraged” by Wasserman Schultz’s comments in Politico.
Another said Democrats in the House were just as upset. The source pointed to the number of “I, me or my” statements in the interview and said it reads like Wasserman Schultz thinks “others in leadership now don’t exist.”

Bolding mine.

…The White House really does not have a single clue about their malignant narcissism, does it?

16 thoughts on “QOTD, The White House Feels Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Too Self-Centered edition.”

  1. That Debbie is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t she?
    It’s still early enough for them to get back into lockstep for 2014, but .. we can hope their lack of self-insight keeps ’em tripping over one another, right?

    1. How she was retained as DNC chair is beyond me, the same goes for Reince Priebus.

      1. I suspect “Peter Principle” applies, midwest .. promote the clown show out of the jobs that matter.
        Same reason many people seem to get into politics, actually.

    2. She apparently thinks she’s going to run for something statewide….like Florida as a whole would ever elect a clown like her.
      The arrogant Progressives keep on thinking that they can get elected outside of their ghetto hellholes.

        1. Maybe she plans to run against Rubio….
          Or maybe she’ll run in 2018 for the Open seat. Maybe we can get Allen West to run against her.

          1. Heh. I would like to see her square off against Rubio. Assuming, of course, he survives a primary challenge.
            * wouldn’t mind seeing West poke at him.

    3. That Debbie is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t she?

      I am SO sorry that the Democrats have chosen a clueless, lying, airheaded, sociopathic lunatic to be the official chaircreature of their party. Every time I see her, I dance a little jig of despair.

  2. Hey, she’s supposed to be out there promoting O’bamacare. How dare she have other plans, and at a time like this. She’s supposed to make O’bamacare popular in time for the next election. O’bama’s counting on her to get it done he can’t do it all by himself.

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