This is as nasty as the Left can get:
Chuck Todd told Matt Lauer on Wednesday that the White House was “caught flat-footed” on the backlash against the prisoner swap for Sergeant Bergdahl.
“I’ve had a few aides describe it to me as ‘we didn’t know that they were going to Swift Boat Bergdahl’,” Todd said, “And Matt, of course, that’s a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over John Kerry’s military service which became so controversial in that campaign. So there’s some fighting words there.”
Remember, to Democrats ‘Swift-boating‘ doesn’t mean ‘Telling people accurate, yet inconvenient, details about a candidate’s military record.’ To them that term means ‘lying.’ Which is an absolutely fascinating thing for the White House to say about what appears to be a nigh-universal reaction from the US military. The relevant video footage is below…
…but I’d actually suggest that you watch the whole thing here. It’s interesting viewing, not least because it’s the Today show. The Obama administration does not want this kind of coverage going out over what we still call ‘broadcast’ news; it’s extremely problematical for them. Heck, it’s not even a good distraction from the Veterans Affairs meltdown – which is something else guaranteed to infuriate veterans and veterans’ groups, and based on the administration’s past record I fully expect that Barack Obama and the White House in general to spend the next six months resolutely ignoring that problem.
Video of @chucktodd reporting the White House’s “swift boat” Bergdahl comment at @FreeBeacon –>
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) June 4, 2014
Moe Lane
I’d say the veterans have more credibility than the Obama Administration (putting it mildly).
“Swift-Boating” is an apt description. Both Kerry and Bergdahl have had *their peers* confront them about their conduct during conflict.
I don’t see how this helps the WH outside the usual choir groups, though.
It makes it a Left vs. Right fight, which makes the case against Bergdahl more difficult to prosecute ( but not impossible, we beat John Kerrey)
I for one would wish the Left wouldn’t treat everything connected to this admin. as a sacred cow. Yeesh.
“This is as nasty as the Left can get…”
Oh no, no, no. The Left can get much more nastier. It’s what they do.
(mentally attaches picture of Alan Grayson to jetty’s post)
I find, Moe, that I hope your last sentence is prescient….
We both know that there are lying incumbent Dems** who claim to be pro-veterans or “national security conservatives” who will have no choice but to call Obama on the carpet in campaign season, or watch as their GOP challengers bury them with it.
p.s. This ain’t rocket science, folks, the ads really do write themselves. (to any of the campaign-consultant types who may be reading this ..) Find an old PR photo of your target Dem** with Obama, use it as background behind *simple* text asking if your target Dem** agrees with Obama on this, get a web advertising outfit to push it to every IP address in your state *regardless* of party affiliation that hits various servers .. )
** hint – Tea Party folks, this applies to any candidate who went to D.C. and has gone native… but you already knew that.
Interestingly enough, it looks like the Clintonista wing is going to use Bergdahl to try to distract from Benghazi.
So Obama is going to be fighting a two front war.