Tweet of the Day, A Tweet About The Marijuana edition.

I don’t really have an opinion on this stuff in general – except that copyright is copyright, and I can understand why Hershey is protecting its brand – but I saw this:

…and my first response was this:

It just seems so… unsurprising.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, A Tweet About The Marijuana edition.”

  1. I wonder what the electoral implications of legalizing marijuana would be? It would certainly lower the IQ of the average voter which is bound to help the Democrat party, but if it also prevents them from turning out to vote that might be a problem. The solution is obvious. Just enhance the Democrat vote fraud machine. If the dead can vote Dem, why not the baked?

    1. The existing pot smokers, and folks who’ve quit but are still impaired, are probably a necessary but not sufficient requirement for Obama to be elected.
      Pot impairs risk assessment and certain kinds of learning.

  2. Intersection of fads.
    There is a small minority of people with legitimate medical issues with gluten. There is a larger bunch who think it fashionable, and add their buying power, making feasible a greater variety of cheaper gluten free foods.
    If I’m being -fa- -chari- polite I might allow that fashion may partly explain the pot smokers.
    The intestines, when working, provide a barrier between the digestive tract and the blood supply. They filter stuff. Once something gets past the intestines, it only has to defeat the blood brain barrier to start doing stuff to the CNS. Much actual legitimate gluten issues involve dysfunctional intestines, that may be letting stuff past they don’t in normal people.
    Pot is essentially a poorly controlled selection of natural pesticides.
    What are laughably considered safe doses would be calibrated off folks who likely have mostly functioning guts.
    It would be stupid for someone with actual gluten problems to eat that stuff.
    Like fat free mercury shots.

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