So, I guess I need a… ringtone?

Since I actually now have a phone that I might use on a regular basis?  How does one set those up for an Amazon Fire Phone, anyway?

…Look, I’m sorry, I never really needed a cell phone until I started doing politics and I was holding out for a JesusPhone until quite recently.  So I never cared about any of this stuff before.  Sue me.

7 thoughts on “So, I guess I need a… ringtone?”

    1. Save it to your “ringtones” folder on device storage (not SD memory card) and then select it under settings, sound, then ringtones. It should show up under the listing of all the ringtones.

  1. Remember that you can set different ringtones for different callers.
    Depending on who’s calling me, my ringtone can be “The Imperial March”, “Scotland the Brave” or “Yakkitysax”, to name a few.

    1. Yep, I use a default (not *the* default, but one that was pre-loaded on the JesusPhone) for most, but certain others get .. special ringtones.
      It’s helpful to know that, if I start hearing the theme from Rockford Files, it’s probably one I’d better take….

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