4 thoughts on “Time to revisit the Zen and the Art of Partisan Hackery Serene Lifestyle flow chart.”

  1. If you asked me a month or two ago “would you support Donald Trump?” I would have said hell no! He is not worthy of the office.

    If you asked me why I might vote for him now, if forced, I would say; “well, he is hated by all the right people”.

    To Trump enemies on the right, rethink your strategy. To Acat, my only friend on the internet right, hey man, long time. hope all is well.

    1. Doc, hey, long time no see!
      All is well here, hope all is well with you. (y’all aren’t on fire like Washington State, right?)
      My position, at this time, is .. assuming the “good” candidates are out of the primary by the time I get to vote, I’ll be requesting a Dem ballot and voting for Sanders.. and if Trump gets the GOP nomination, I’ll be voting Libertarian.
      I hope that doesn’t end our friendship, eh?

      1. Hey Acat! Long,long time

        Heh, if Trump could break the friendship, then did it ever exist? Seriously, I am no Trump fan, but the hysteria on the establishment right almost cries for people to support him. Like I said,they need to rethink their strategy.

        As for Sanders, he is right on one or two things. But God, how far we have fallen if these are our choices!

        1. Heh. I’m getting further and further into the “let it burn” camp…
          Thing about Sanders is .. he’s completely wrong on so much, and if he wins, he might – as McGovern did – shatter the Dems and force a more rational rebuild.
          Trump would, I think, have a similar effect on the GOP, but .. I really don’t like to think of what his effect on the country would be.

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