A possible escalation of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

Maybe this is something. Maybe this is nothing. But it looms: oh, my, yes it does.

A federal judge appears willing to order the State Department to question former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her lawyer about the possible existence of backup copies of thousands of her personal emails.

The order, which could come by the end of next week, may lead to definitive proof about whether copies exist of the roughly 31,000 emails Clinton claims were personal and deleted from her private server.

It’s always perjury that they get you on. Always. So let’s have a rousing round of tell-the-nice-Fed-what-you-did. It might be a hoot.

3 thoughts on “A possible escalation of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.”

  1. This is a side-show. Meaning no offense, Moe, it’s maybe a critical national security issue, and maybe the seeds of a constitutional crisis, but .. it’s *Team Clinton* – by saying “wiped with a cloth or something?” she’s declared her intent to not answer.
    There’s really no point in her ever changing that intent .. clearly, enough Dems are prepared to believe her, so why should she? Honesty? *Team Clinton*. Ethics? *Team Clinton*. We should know this.
    All that said .. what I’m watching are her polling numbers.
    There is a certain point at which she’ll collapse as a candidate – and I’m betting she’s got polling that’ll give her enough warning to start blowing up Team Obama at or immediately before that point.

  2. Unless they find server data the investigation comes to naught…the printed messages are carefully chosen diversions that allow the media to cluck a little while spinning the “old news, move along” meme…no headers = no trail.
    Although the Clinton email sideshow does grow weirder by the day as Kim Dotcom now claims that Assange has access to “information” that will be Clinton’s worst nightmare.
    We’re gonna need moar popcorn.

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