…Annoying. I’m blanking on a title.

Always not-fun when you have a post written, only to get stuck on the title. I guess that I’m gonna to have to let it percolate for a while. …They still have percolators, right? I live in fear that I’m going to wake up one day and discover that they eliminated the rest of my topical references without prior warning.  Because that apparently happens to people when they get old enough, and it’s kind of my turn.

5 thoughts on “…Annoying. I’m blanking on a title.”

    1. At least you’ve got that going for you. Which is nice.
      When in doubt, use a Monty Python quote or a song title.

      1. If you can’t plausibly title something:

        1) “That’s a Peach, Hon”
        2) “Forget It, He’s Rolling” or
        3) “So, I’ve Got That Going For Me”

        Then it probably wasn’t worth writing about.

        1. 4) “That escalated quickly.”
          5) “My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.”
          6) “I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t do that.”
          7) “It’s not my goddamn planet, monkey boy!”
          8) “Point of parliamentary procedure!”
          9) “What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?”
          10) “Lighten up, Francis.”
          11) “When I was a kid, my father told me, ‘Never hit anyone in anger, unless you’re absolutely sure you can get away with it.'”
          12) “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life …” (In case Moe was writing about Hillary.)

  1. Oh yeah there’s still lots of percolation goin’ on.

    This inexpensive classic Italian percolator, or a simular pot is sold pretty much every where that coffe is consumed.
    In many parts of the country perc tests are required for all types of construction; septic systems, pools, footings, foundations, roads, etc.
    However it is depressing when a common phrase or expression falls flat and you get a blank stare, a nod and a tight smile that sez “Move along Gramps”.

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