Tweet of the Day, …So Why Are We Allied With Uzbekistan Again? edition.

I mean, fairly solid rumor has it that King President Karimov has people who displease him boiled alive. Also: under George W Bush we raised so much of a stink over the regime’s human rights abuses that they threw us out of the country. And now John Kerry is sucking up to them.

God, this administration can’t even get human rights right. It’s like they deliberately hate competence. In anything.

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, …So Why Are We Allied With Uzbekistan Again? edition.”

  1. I don’t think its that they hate compitence, I think it’s that they’re on the other side.

    1. Moe thinks that Obama is incompetent. Others think that he is an evil genius in his subversive leadership, coyly bringing America down as the media continues to fawn over him. My take is that, if he was only incompetent, then from time to time he would do something for America’s best interest (blind squirrels and broken clocks and all that jazz).

      1. Not saying he’s any kind of genius. I think he’s a middling intellect at best. I also think he strongly identifies with people who hate America and everything it stands for. He also has some weird idea, I think, that other cultural views (radial Islam, dictators that boil dissidents alive, kidnappers of schoolgirls for forced marriage, whatever) have equal legitimacy with American views. He think our views are nothing special at best and evil at worst.

    2. Which brings up the idea I’ve seen lately that JJB is actually a Sith Lord.

      (from the post: “Furthermore, I assert that he was not, as many people assume, just an unwitting political tool manipulated by Palpatine– rather, he and Palpatine were likely in collaboration from the very beginning, and it’s entirely possible that Palpatine was a subordinate underling to Binks throughout both trilogies.”)

      Be sure to check out the many links providing evidence.

  2. Competence is unfamiliar and thus scary to the Obama Administration. They fear it, and the fear leads to hate, and the hate leads to suffering.

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