6 thoughts on “Live results tonight on Kentucky Governor’s race at @AOSHQDD.”

  1. I have lived here a long time, Moe. I am continually surprised when a Republican wins office in this state.

    1. And the nice thing about a sunny outlook like mine is that, so often, the surprises are pleasant ones.

  2. AP called it for Bevin about 15 minutes ago – 52-44%. not even really close.
    Lundergan-Grimes gets to keep her job, alas.

  3. And Bloomberg threw his money away in Virginia. 21 GOP state Senate seats with 4 more yet to be called (all currently held by democrats, so….)

  4. I lived in Kentucky for a bit. Was shocked to find the highest aspirations of people there was to land a union job where you’d be paid lots of money to do not much of anything.
    The state has a miasma of lassitude. It’s where ambition goes to die.

  5. The map over at AOS tells the story . The democrat base is Louisville; the rest of the state is R . As to Louisville , it is much like Baltimore : Yankees get to B-more and think they come South ,Southerners come to B-more and think they’ve come North . Same for Louisville . And BTW , they are both wrong .

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