Rum or whiskey for my eggnog?

OK, Christmas break has officially begun for my kids; which means that it’s officially begun for me, too. Light and fluffy, probably. I’m not really into doing anything particularly weighty if I can possibly help it.

In fact: eggnog awaits.  Only… well, the title says it all.

15 thoughts on “Rum or whiskey for my eggnog?”

  1. Everclear. No, hear me out. If you’re mixing store egg nog with alcohol, don’t use something with a notable flavor ..

  2. 1 part dark rum
    1 part light rum
    1 part bourbon
    1/2 part grand marnier or apricot brandy

    mix all up in a mason jar.

    Add to eggnog as desired.

      1. Me too…sounds terrific and I’ve got some bootleg apricot brandy.
        I’d go with rum in the AM and switch to whiskey after lunch…mebbe brandy in front of the fire after the kiddoes have been tucked in.
        Merry Christmas!

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