My RedState post on that Jamie Newman dude.

Found here. Short version: dude threatened to rape people. Purdue University couldn’t fire him, so they just painted him with radioactive waste. Dude resigned, all bitter and stuff because it wasn’t like he threatened real people; just pro-lifers.  And thus the chill wind blows through all of Purdue University now… helping to fight the rot.

4 thoughts on “My RedState post on that Jamie Newman dude.”

  1. “Some might say that a chill wind may now blow through the halls of Purdue University. After all, it is now clear there that one may not safely attempt to intimidate a person by threatening to rape his relatives.”
    That saying “threats of physical violence are not tolerated in an academic setting” is necessary should shame anyone who is an academic. But this is the world the Left wanted to create.* Enjoy your stay here, Left academics – making beds, lying in them – and all of that.
    *Say your farewells to tenure, also. You on the Left will find that shield is pretty thin when those on the Right get the “payback” bit between their teeth. The state level bureaucrats are just beginning to feel what happens when the civil service gets abused in the support of one political party.

  2. One hopes he’s unable to pull pension money from Purdue.

    Also, as I noted at RS, I’ve got college money in the bank for the little brat that insults me daily, which I’m given to understand is customary for someone of her age. I’m hoping for, and will in the next couple years start working on, a list of institutions where my money will be squandered should the brat apply.

    So I’ll pull Purdue from the purdah list, as it’s known as (okay, she’d rather sing than calculate) a good engineering school, and wait for further feedback.

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