Doing a field trip this morning.

You see, once the teachers realize that you’re a stay-at-home dad, they become ruthless when it comes to chaperoning. And then they tell the teachers who will be teaching your kids next year. Which is fine, actually. Still, gonna be gone for most of the school day.

3 thoughts on “Doing a field trip this morning.”

  1. We couldn’t take those trips without you, Dad. The museums require sufficient adult supervision.

  2. In the grade school years, it doesn’t seem like there are enough male role models. It is a good thing to chaperone. We don’t have family near us, so I try to seek out appropriate male figures as coaches for my kids. We are a two-parent married family, but I like to expose my kids to more than one male role model, as much as they do love their dad/my husband.

    When they did the puberty video at my son’s school, they had female teachers answering the boys’ questions, which bugged me. There are two male teachers at the schools. Even if they have to bring in the DARE officer, having a man would be more appropriate.

    1. Please don’t interpret my comment to suggest you be assigned to help with the puberty videos they do in schools. It just is an example of how few adult males these kids interact with during school

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