So, yeah, I needed new glasses.

This is the strangest thing: I’m sitting at the computer screen while wearing my new glasses, and I can see the words. I don’t have to take them off in order to do work.  I’ve grown so accustomed to taking my glasses off and stashing them somewhere that it feels weird that I’m not doing that right now.

Clearly, I should have gotten this prescription updated about a year ago.

Moe Lane

PS: Well, it’s interesting to me. And, aside from the field trip to the zoo – which went well, and thank God I don’t have four hyper-active six year old kids to chaperone every day – it’s the most interesting thing that’s happened today so far. So I guess that’s the way it is, huh?

2 thoughts on “So, yeah, I needed new glasses.”

  1. Once you get into your 40’s you start losing accommodation until sometime in your 50’s. I’ve been having to update my prescription about once a year now. Bleh…

  2. Computer usage is why I don’t wear contacts, except for costumes and/or conventions where I’m going to be in costume. Normally I’m badly near-sighted, but the glasses cover that for everything (including computer usage) but close-up work where I can just remove the glasses temporarily. Putting in contacts makes me far-sighted, which makes me need reading glasses for computer work, which is annoying.

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