Danged cat won’t eat his pill. Suggestions?

Usually the ‘wrap it in cat treats’ trick works, but not tonight or yesterday.  Anybody have any thoughts on this? I believe that a few people on the Internet have cats, after all.

10 thoughts on “Danged cat won’t eat his pill. Suggestions?”

  1. Bacon wrapped pill? I am deathly allergic to cats, so I may not have the best advice.

    Surely a bacon wrapped pill though… I’D take it.

  2. Is it something you can crush and mix in with wet cat food or tuna or something? Admittedly, I’m also allergic to cats, but I know that I’m allergic to cats because I’ve owned them in the past.

  3. Little pill or big one? If it’s a little one they make these little claw things to shove it down the throat.

  4. Butter, and a little squeeze.
    Dab cat’s nose with butter. Cat will lick butter and find he or she likes it.
    Coat pill with butter. Pill is now slippery as ..a greased object ..
    While one of you holds cat’s mouth open, the other squeezes the pill so it drops into the back of cat’s mouth.
    Finally, dab cat’s nose with butter again.

  5. I was taught a pilling technique by a vet, but it’s difficult to describe without physically demonstrating it. And you need large hands, at least in relation to the cat’s head.

  6. When all else fails, use,…Mayonnaise.
    You gotta’ crack said pill into at least two chunks, depending on how big it is.

  7. per Swisher’s comment. Hold cat under right or left arm against your body. Reach around the back of the cat’s head with your thumb and forefinger and pinch the back of the jaw, with your other hand open cat’s mouth and toss pill to back of the cat’s tongue….as Swisher said, hard to describe. …oh yes, a towel around your arm and the cat will help avoid scratches…

    1. That’s pretty much the technique I use. I’ve never had a problem with my cats trying to scratch me – they seem to trust me, I guess. One cat I had actually wanted to get pilled. Baby was a very treat-driven cat, so I gave her a treat after getting her pill. She would actually march around the kitchen in the morning demanding her pill and treat.

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