The saddest funniest thing you’ll read today.

[UPDATE] S.Logan is keeping her own list.  She’s also volunteered to work and live on-site with inner-city kids this summer, so keep that in mind as well.

Add my name to the list of bloggers laughing sourly on this nonsense from the WSJ:

“It takes about 100,000 unique visitors a month to generate an income of $75,000 a year.”

To quote a physicist friend of mine: that’s not even wrong.

Look, I hit 70K hits last month. I have some reasonable hope of hitting 50K this month, which is probably a bit closer to what I should expect at this stage in the game anyway.  I am not making five figures at this blog.  I am not making four figures at this blog.  I am carefully keeping myself from expecting to make more than three figures at this blog.  That doesn’t bother me overmuch: I’m at home doing this because somebody has to stay at home with the kids, and this is a form of income revenue that I can do and not neglect them.  But if I was trying to live on this, I couldn’t.

Moe Lane

PS: So what if I did it once today already: it’s apropos. Click the button below: I need the laptop replaced so that I can keep doing for free what the VRWC should be paying me to do.

OK, so maybe that is a little irksome. But still.

‘If Che was alive today, he would personally kill every single person involved in the making of this movie. And I would not shed a tear for one of them.’

That is the summation of a review of Che by a Lefty blogger: apparently, the directors decided to make a movie about a mass-murdering, gun-toting psychopath without even at least giving the audience the courtesy of large amounts of automatic weapons fire.

See Libertarian Republican for more, plus the link: I found said Lefty’s blogger’s blog title sufficiently distasteful to omit the direct link.

Moe Lane

I always like seeing the kids run around with their Che t-shirts, though: it’s a useful way to sort through the drones who only think that they’re being beautiful and unique snowflakes.  You want to be edgy and trangrsessive?  Try wearing this one on campus and tell us how you do.

Crossposted to RedState.

Zombie Haiku? Why would I be interested in Zombie Haiku?

For some reason, people keep sending me links to things like this: Zombie Haiku: Good Poetry For Your…Brains.  I really wish I knew why they did that… hold on, let me just get this down:

Strange fruit floats downstream
As sirens die in Gray dawn –
The tide lurches in.

…anyway, it’s weird, and I’m not sure why anybody would have this impression of me – gimme a second, here:

The naginata:
Not so clumsy as shotgun –
Plus, decapitates.

…because, as all men know, I am really a highly prosaic sort of individual…

Ninja or kung fu?
PPZ’s* class struggle.
Austen would have laughed.

OK, OK, fine.

Moe Lane

*I have gotten my mother to read that book.