OK, I admit it. I’m prepared to lock the controls…

and send that fucker right into the sun*. The only thing** stopping me is that I don’t know which subscription will pollute my Twitter feed less.

Hell, Brittney Spears would be a step up.

Via @HannibalsPet

Moe Lane

*Dennis Miller reference.
**Aside from the fact that I was walking all day in the rain and my brain is sufficiently shut down from that and video editing (hah!) to make my brain cells rebel at, well, just about everything.

Oh, so that miserable SOB is in Escape from Hell?

And being handled properly*?  I always knew there was a reason why I liked Niven & Pournelle.

We will be the ones who decide who to remember from that day. We will remember people like this man:


Professor Liviu Librescu

…and not his murderer.

Two days until the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings.

Moe Lane

*I know this murderer’s name, but I will not repeat it.

A most excellent series of posts about the Breeze of Spithead…

…may be found at Age of Sail.  This is an account of a rather significant mutiny among the British fleet during the period just before the Napoleonic Wars: I am not that familiar with the events in question, which only makes this more interesting to me.

I probably should pick up Floating Republic… unless Age of Sail has another suggestion?