Hillary Clinton privately babbles about AK-47s in the supermarkets!

My friend and colleague streiff at RedState generally berated these anti-gun comments by Hillary Clinton earlier today, but I want to really drill down on something – look, I know that too much belief in gun control apparently causes neurological degeneration, but this is absurd.

Hillary Clinton slammed the Supreme Court as “wrong on the Second Amendment” and called for reinstating the assault weapons ban during a small private fundraiser in New York last week, according to audio of her remarks obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


“The idea that you can have an open carry permit with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket is just despicable,” she said.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton privately babbles about AK-47s in the supermarkets!

Barack Obama Opens His Mouth, AK-47 edition.

It’s weird, not writing ‘Joe Biden’ there.  Even weirder to think that Joe Biden wouldn’t make this oopsie: then again, the Vice President didn’t spend most of his adult life in the Senate without learning something.  Like, for example, sounding like a blithering idiot when it came to guns.

And so it came to pass that Barack Obama went unto the Urban League – hey, just like Reagan! – and uttered unto them this immortal sentence of wisdom and erudition:

…I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals — that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities.

Let us start by eliminating Obama’s false Hegelian dialectic here: yes, indeed, most people would agree that fully-automatic weapons should not be an integral part of the urban lifestyle.  Which is why nobody argues that.  What they do argue – and effectively, much to the gun-grabbers’ dismay – is that decisions about what constitutes an ‘acceptable’ firearm should not be left up to excitable hysterics who apparently think that a gun is an evil magic item that invades your brain, eats your soul, and then runs your husk as a puppet for the rest of its short, blood-soaked existence*.  To be fair, Obama’s just a little too scared of the controversy on this issue to do more than suggest that we ‘start’ doing things that we’re trying to do anyway, like keeping guns out of the hands of mental patients and criminals**.

Continue reading Barack Obama Opens His Mouth, AK-47 edition.

Interesting article here. (Language warning)

Three lessons to take away from it.

  1. The AK-47, while an excellent automatic rifle, is perhaps not best-suited for keeping up the high standards of marksmanship and fire discipline that used to be ubiquitous in countries like, say, Afghanistan.  In fact, there is much to be said about the venerable Lee-Enfield in that regard.
  2. Do not fuck with the British Army, because they will drop a laser-guided Hellfire missile on you if you annoy them enough.
  3. Do not fuck with the British Army, because they will drop a laser-guided Hellfire missile on you if you annoy them enough.

To paraphrase Kryten from Red Dwarf: Now I realize that, technically speaking, those last two were only one lesson; but I thought it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice.

Via AoSHQ Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: We will now pause to give everyone inclined to wage war over the statement “the AK-47 is an excellent automatic rifle” – pro and con – time to prepare.