Bobby Bright takes deportment lessons from Alan Grayson.

Apparently, Bright thinks that the best way to avoid answering the question Are you going to vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker next year? is to make a joke about how she might die before then*.  As Andrew Malcolm noted in that article, this would be a firestorm if a Republican had said it; Jim Geraghty noted in his Morning Jolt that Bright also avoided the question like a cowardly little suckweasel (I paraphrase).  Heck, even Greg Sargent is unhappy: which means with any luck that so will the rest of the Left.

But why is anybody actually surprised?  As the title suggests, language like this by Democrats is perfectly acceptable when it’s directed against Republicans, particularly female ones; Bright’s error was that he assumed that similar language could be directed against anyone that stands between him and re-election.  Which these days certainly includes Nancy Pelosi.  I don’t wish for Madame Speaker’s death, obviously; but I do find it disingenuous when folks on the Left get surprised when chickens come home… to roost.

I don’t really know what the solution is, here… except to vote for Martha Roby, of course.

Moe Lane Continue reading Bobby Bright takes deportment lessons from Alan Grayson.

Meet Martha Roby (AL-02).

Already making the right sort of enemies.

I was going to wait until Ms. Roby had a campaign website up – she only announced last week, and this was Memorial Day weekend – but apparently the local Democrats are already beginning to play the “create multiple accounts and go after her for being a mom*” in local comment sections, so best to get this up now.

So.  AL-02.  R+16 in the Cook Political Report; Bobby Bright won this one by something like 1800 votes.  Against an incumbent and/or a Democratic President’s coattails, he would have lost.  Bright claims “Blue Dog” status; he has slightly more reason than some, given that he did break with his party to vote against the ‘stimulus‘ package.  The DCCC has him on their list of Representatives to protect, so he’s almost certain to get away with that, too.  They may even drop more money on him this time, assuming of course that they have it to spare.

But enough about this calculated insult to progressive Democrats by their own party; let’s look at Martha Roby.  She’s young (32 years old), currently on the City Council for Montgomery, where she apparently represents a majority-minority constituency (if this report is correct, in her last election she won majorities among both white and African-American voters in her city district).  She’s popular in her home area, plans to run as a conservative, and it can be safely assumed that her candidacy is going to be supported by the NRCC. Continue reading Meet Martha Roby (AL-02).