I’d say “Third time’s the charm,” except I’ve frankly lost count.
Guess the GOP’s doomed, then.
President Obama often tells audiences that he has waged his last campaign. But that’s not exactly true.
The White House is gearing up for a massive campaign this summer that will cover all 50 states, plus Washington, D.C. And the president’s legacy may hinge on whether it succeeds or fails.
The Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” has been through more life-and-death cliffhangers than a season finale of Homeland. After squeaker votes in Congress and a 5-4 ruling upholding the law at the Supreme Court, now there’s another big hurdle: getting uninsured people to buy health care when it becomes available Oct. 1.
Well, it would be, if Barack Obama had one tenth the charm that his followers think he has – and about one fourth the charm that he thinks that he has.
Continue reading Oh, noes: Barack Obama planning another charm offensive on #obamacare.