Moving on along on the CPAC interviews. Tim’s site is here.
Tag: cpac
Meet Les Phillip (R CAND, AL-05).
Scenes from CPAC: me and DemonSheep on Stage Right Show Friday night.
Below the fold is Friday night’s Stage Right Show: I’m on, starting at about 31:10. And I’m promptly upstaged by the very next interviewee, too. Yes, I was followed by – and shown up by – DemonSheep (and Leon Wolf). I had a lot of fun doing it anyway.
Larry O’Connor, by the way, is the guy who the next day eviscerated Max Blumenthal after Andrew Breitbart set up the shot:
So, it’s OK, he’s cool.
Continue reading Scenes from CPAC: me and DemonSheep on Stage Right Show Friday night.
The CPAC Chuck DeVore interview.
Meet Steve Poizner (R CAND, CA-GOV).
Meet Isaac Hayes (R CAND, IL-02)
Meet John Loughlin (R CAND, RI-01).
Meet Mike Lee (R CAND, UT-SEN).
Meet Rick Barber (R-CAND, AL-02).
Campaign site here: he’s running for Bobby Bright’s seat.
That’s the last CPAC election video that I had today: I have a full slate scheduled for tomorrow, God help me.