Sen. Dan Coats (R, Indiana) to retire at end of term.

A bit of a surprise, which hopefully doesn’t mean that the man is ill. I’ve certainly heard no rumors of scandal associated with Senator Coats, and you usually hear those things ahead of time; the Senator is in his early seventies, and has been in various federal public offices since the late Eighties, so possibly Dan Coats is simply ready to retire. Continue reading Sen. Dan Coats (R, Indiana) to retire at end of term.

From the Dan Coats (R CAND, IN-SEN) conference call.

This should have been up a couple of days ago, but I’m having computer issues. Dan Coats did a conference call on Monday, and I took the opportunity to ask him a question on Republican unity, post-primary:

Actually, I asked two questions, but the first wasn’t much of anything; just Coat’s reaction to Evan Bayh’s tacit admission that Brad Ellsworth is going to lose the election. It was a funnier question in my head than it was in the actual call.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

NRLC-PAC endorses Dan Coats (R CAND, IN-SEN).

The endorsement of Dan Coats by NRLC-PAC (no link yet [here you go]) is no less painful for Brad Ellsworth for being completely unsurprising:

As a member of both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, Dan Coats was a leading champion for pro-life policies. Dan Coats was the author of key pro-life amendments, including a law that prevents the government from penalizing medical training programs for refusing to provide training in abortion. In addition, he was part of successful efforts to curb federal funding of abortion and an early supporter of the successful pro-life campaign to ban partial-birth abortion.

His opponent, Brad Ellsworth voted to enact President Obama’s pro-abortion health care legislation – legislation which will provide government funding for health plans that pay for abortion on demand, and also contains multiple provisions that will promote the rationing of lifesaving medical treatments.

Continue reading NRLC-PAC endorses Dan Coats (R CAND, IN-SEN).

IN SEN: Ellsworth at 34% against… everybody.

If I was a Democrat, I might suspect that Rasmussen waited with malice aforethought to release this poll:

Two of the three top Republican hopefuls for the U.S. Senate in Indiana continue to hold double-digit leads over Democratic Congressman Brad Ellsworth. Ellsworth supported President Obama’s health care plan in a state where opposition to the legislation is higher than it is nationally.

The two candidates with double-digit leads are Dan Coats and John Hostettler. The third – Marlin Stutzman (see Erick’s endorsement here) – is up ‘merely’ seven points, and that’s apparently because of a larger block of undecideds: Ellsworth is currently looking at 32-34% support across the board.  Which, probably not coincidentally, is about the percentage (35%) of Indiana voters who like the health care monstrosity that Ellsworth and his fellow-Democrats are about to wish upon us.  But, supposedly, the President is going to help out there, on the campaign trail and everything.  Since the Washington Post seems to have developed a sudden, fairly specific case of partial amnesia, let me refresh its institutional memory of candidates that President Obama has favored with his personal assistance: Jon Corzine, Martha Coakley – and Creigh Deeds.  Surely the Washington Post remembers Creigh Deeds?


Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.