This is one of those Disney projects where you stare at the screen in disbelief.

Because dear Lord but the assumptions all tangled up in here.

So, hey, imagine that all the Disney Kingdoms formed up a mega-Kingdom, and they elected the Beast King, only now it’s a couple decades later and they’re going to give the Kingdom to his and Belle’s kid, who wants to bring out four kids from internal exile – oh, yeah, forgot: the Kingdom has this entire low-tech and magic-free prison island where dissidents and their families are kept. Forever – and have those kids go to prep school.  Said children – who are, by the way, the children of four of the worst Disney villains*, because of course – will now break into a musical dance number which will hopefully demonstrate why this is such a bad idea on general principles. Continue reading This is one of those Disney projects where you stare at the screen in disbelief.