…but brutal honesty requires me to admit that I can sort of see the argument in this one, specific paragraph.
Now, I know that the Guardian doesn’t have a particularly festive reputation, and I realise that what I’m about to say isn’t exactly going to help this reputation. But hear me out: all I want for Christmas is to stamp on Elf on the Shelf’s throat until it coughs up blood and dies.
Apparently the craze has hit England, and they’re not too happy about it. I can’t say that I blame England, either: I’m pretty sure that the only reason that I wouldn’t take a Zippo to any EotS that ended up in my house is because I’d be afraid that the smoke would give me cancer. I won’t even put up an Amazon link to those things. Yes. That’s how much I loathe them. Continue reading Quote of the Day, I Hate To Admit That The Guardian Has A Point… edition.