…it’s probably somewhere around “grenade launcher:”
Former McGruff the Crime Dog actor, John R. Morales, has been sentenced to 16 years in prison following his guilty plea three years after police seized 1,000 marijuana plants, 27 weapons – including a grenade launcher, and 9,000 rounds of ammunition from his home.
Now, a couple of caveats. I’m assuming that the grenade launcher was operable; if it was not, then it’s merely an objet d’art and thus irrelevant to this conversation (as is the 9,000 rounds of ammo*). Also, sixteen years sounds a bit harsh for having a working grenade launcher, or even a grenade launcher and all that marijuana. Admittedly, minus the ‘McGruff the Crime Dog’ entry on IMDB this guy’s history would sound like your standard drug dealer’s, but there’s no indication that he’s ever done anything violent. Continue reading If you’ve ever wondered where my personal limit is on the Second Amendment…