Living In The Past, Jethro Tull
So, I’ve been in full Tull mode all day anyway, so I figured that I’d just give up and embrace it. Really and truly, I might as well.
Moe Lane
Living In The Past, Jethro Tull
So, I’ve been in full Tull mode all day anyway, so I figured that I’d just give up and embrace it. Really and truly, I might as well.
Moe Lane
Life Is A Long Song, Jethro Tull
Huh. I’ve been saying that as Life’s a Long Song pretty much my entire life. Weird.
Cruising through my iPod today.–o
Skating Away (On The Thin Ice Of The New Day), Jethro Tull
I’d rather not think about how old this song is.
Youtube seems to be down right now, so just hum Jethro Tull‘s Skating Away (On The Thin Ice Of The New Day) or something, I guess. Or, hey, buy the single! That should solve the problem…
Locomotive Breath, Jethro Tull
Still no clue what it means.
Thick As A Brick (Edit No 1), Jethro Tull
It’s the short version – otherwise known as the We are not going to assume that you are zonked to the gills on primo Mexican marijuana while playing this album and thus completely divested of any sense of time passing version.
Not that I would know anything about that sort of thing, of course.–o
Skating Away (On The Thin Ice Of The New Day), Jethro Tull
Ah, Pennsic. Don’t ask me why this song reminds me of it, but it does.
Ah, to be twenty again. No, wait, I was always broke and even more insufferable than I am now. Never mind, then.
Locomotive Breath, Jethro Tull
Don’t know what it means and can’t say that I care that I don’t, either.