#rsrh Sen Gregg gets one last lick in.

(Via Hot Air) You think that Senator Gregg is maybe just a little bit ticked with the administration for that entire fiasco wrt being Secretary of Commerce*?


Could be, could be. Video summary: Gregg carefully pushed back on Andrea Mitchell’s agitprop that the looming Democratic tax hike was justified, noted that the long term solution to our problem involves SPENDING LESS MONEY, gently reminded all and sundry that it’s not the government’s money in the first place, and genially suggested that rich people who don’t mind paying more taxes should feel free to have a check cut.

Not bad for two minutes.

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Sen Gregg gets one last lick in.

Hey, remember when Obama wanted Judd Gregg for Commerce Secretary?

And remember when a bunch of groups got freaked out about it because it meant that a Republican would be instantly aware of any organized shenanigans designed to muck about with the Census?

And remember when the President hastily pandered to those groups by declaring that Gregg wouldn’t be overseeing the Census?

And remember how Gregg then – and quite rightly – told the President what he could do with his Cabinet position?

Remember all that?

Continue reading Hey, remember when Obama wanted Judd Gregg for Commerce Secretary?