Oh, that awful Scott Walker and his awful union reform law. It’s been devastating; I mean, look at just one school district affected by the Republican-passed law! The Kaukauna School District was already laboring under a $400,000 deficit; now, ‘thanks’ to Scott Walker and the Republican party, they’re now stuck with a $1,500,000 surplus! That means more work for the hiring department! That means that they’re going to have to gut the average class size! That means that the school district will probably now be able to get away with instituting the hideously unfair program of… merit pay!
Yes, I’m being sarcastic; this is actually great news. Most of the savings are taking place from teachers facing a slight increase in their contributions to their health care (still well below the average private sector contribution, mind you) and the institution of a modest contribution to their pension funds. They’ve also had their work week bumped up – to forty hours – and they’re up to six out of seven periods teaching a day, instead of five. Yes, this kind of fiddling was what Big Labor in Wisconsin went to the wall to to prevent. Well, that and monopoly pricing: Continue reading Wisconsin school district now stable, thanks to Scott Walker et al.