Will be autocrat for a SCA event this weekend.

Oh, sorry: ‘event steward.’ I don’t actually object to the name change. In a lot of ways it’s more reflective of what I’m doing with regard to this event, which mostly involves making sure that all the spinning plates fall down in the right order. It’s a collaborative effort… right up to the point where something goes wrong, and it’s time to me to The Trash Heap Has Spoken at it until the problem gets fixed, or at least becomes ignorable.

In practical terms all of this means that I’m going to be very sporadically posting until Sunday afternoon. Or possibly Monday morning, because Sunday may be a time of showers and unconsciousness. Responsibility is not something that comes naturally to me. I can do it, but I get really tired afterwards.

Traveling day.

Sort of.  I’m driving the kids up halfway to hand them off to their aunts for the weekend, because of the thing going on.  Fortunately, they have a four-day weekend because of a combination of Jewish holidays – oh, hey, Happy New Year! – and a teacher’s conference thing or whatever.  I dunno, I don’t really care, my sisters want to spoil my kids in peace and quiet for a couple of days and that’s fine with me.

So, anyway, that’s pretty much the middle of the day blocked out now. And it just gets busier from here. So posting as catch can, and don’t expect to hear from me at all on Saturday. Everything’s fine, just kind of hectic.