Because Bob Filner apparently didn’t start when he became mayor of San Diego:
Lisa Curtin, who is director of government and military education at San Diego City College, is the eighth woman to accuse Filner of unwanted sexual advances.
[snip of allegations of crude sexual advances made towards Ms. Curtin]
Curtin said at the time, neither she nor her staffers reported the incident to authorities because of shock and fear.
“Filner made it very clear how powerful he thought he was,” Curtin said. “He discussed that in the meeting; The kind of authority he had, that he had been pulling strings all over San Diego for many years.”
How many women in Washington DC have similar stories? And how many of those women are afraid of Washington DC Democrats making their lives hell if they speak out? Continue reading How long did @NancyPelosi know that Bob Filner (D) was a predator?