Yeah, guys, lots of luck with this:
But with Democrats of all stripes evaluating what went wrong in the 2014 midterms and wondering how to win back seats in 2016, members of the [New Democratic Coalition, a supposedly moderate Democratic group] see an opening to really be heard — and hopefully taken seriously… That’s why, for the first time in its nearly 18-year history, the group is putting out a comprehensive legislative agenda.
Aside from everything else, their timing is absolutely stellar: they picked the day after the progressive Left scored a win over the Republican majority in Congress to call for a shift in rhetoric and policy. I can tell you exactly what the progressive response is going to be, and it’s this: “Heel, dogs.” Not that the NDC’s agenda was going to be all that great, seeing as the Hill didn’t even bother to leak the document ahead of time. That’s usually a sign that a load of insipid pap is coming down the pipeline…
Via Instapundit.