Embattled Democrats are starting to crack under the strain:
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki’s support on Capitol Hill crumbled on Wednesday as members of his own party deserted him in the aftermath of a highly critical inspector general report that found “systemic” problems at VA medical facilities.
Within just hours of the report’s release, the number of Democrats calling for Shinseki’s resignation more than doubled. By Wednesday evening, more than a dozen congressional Democrats publicly called for his ouster, joining a growing number of influential Republicans.
…turns out that your average at-risk Democratic Senator really does have a limit to how much water he’ll carry for President Barack Obama, and this load was just one jerry-can of Presidential* incompetence too many. Not that it’ll save any of said Senators, but it’s a better alternative than continuing to go down with the ship. At any rate, the next two days should be interesting…
Continue reading The Eric Shinseki Resignation Watch Clock is now engaged.