Set of Stake Knives
Appearance: a set of eight stainless steel steak knives. They are in excellent condition, and in fact can be used to cut steak. Although few people will, once they find out what the Stake Knives actually do (see below).
Powers: Treat Stake Knives as equivalent to whatever weapon or substance is most dangerous to vampires in the campaign. For example: in a Western game, Stake Knives act like wooden stakes in terms of immobilizing and destroying vampires. In campaigns with more than one particular type of vampire, a Stake Knifes can be ‘reconsecrated’ to a different type by a suitably holy figure after a suitable amount of slightly onerous ritual activity; alternatively (particularly if there are vampire PCs in the campaign) all Stake Knives will work on all vampires equally. Certainly any Stake Knife can effectively be used in lieu of a holy symbol by sincere religious believers.