Deconsmurphing smurfs.

So, this guy thinks that the Smurfs are racists, sexists, and anti-Semites. I dunno, man: they are Belgian, after all… and God knows that the Belgians have pretty much lost any right to the benefit of the doubt when it comes to racial sensitivity issues.  On the other hand, so have post-modernists, although admittedly the pomos have a considerably smaller direct body count.

On the gripping hand, as somebody once said: Charlie don’t smurf, man.

Charlie don’t smurf.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Dress like a Smurf world record broken.

Seriously.  Actual Smurfs.

World record for most people dressed as Smurfs in Swansea


The scary part? Half the guys there are probably there to hook up with women*. The scarier part? A nontrivial number of them probably did.

Moe Lane

*I assume that some are there with their girlfriends, some are gay, and some are probably too drunk to remain standing in any non-crowded scenario.