Not included: a throwaway line about gator-spirits that makes me want to write an entire story around the concept. A deep country elf with a gator-spirit buddy, off fighting magical crimes. Kind of like Silver John, only I wouldn’t try to duplicate any of the accents.
Continue reading 02/12/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.Tag: snippet
02/10/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
Needed to throw a man and a horse off of a cliff. You know how it is.
02/10/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
I may take off from doing anything with ANSTEORRA RANGERS today. I need to think about how to resolve the conflict. SWAMP PATROL, however, just needs fleshing out. …And maybe some rewrites.
02/09/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
02/09/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
Had to backtrack. What’s the point of an adventure story without adventures? Which is to say: “other people in deep sh*t, far away.”
02/08/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
I’m starting to think that they need at least one fight with this mudnado thing before they even got to the Old American ruin. Only problem is, I have yet to figure out how they distracted it long enough to get a bunch of wagons away safely. And themselves, of course. Can’t kill them off in the first fight, because then what’s the story?
Continue reading 02/08/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.02/08/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
This one shouldn’t need too much: just a walk-through, more action sequences, and a bigger role for the Slappy Rats. I mean, geez, I should have led with the Slappy Rats.
Like so:
Continue reading 02/08/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/07/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
There may be a number of jokes in this larger story.
Continue reading 02/07/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.02/06/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
I’ve since realized that ‘mudnado’ is so much better name than ‘mudstorm.’ Not that it comes up in this snippet. But it will, later.
02/05/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.
Old American ruins. So handy for the plot. So usefully ominous.
Continue reading 02/05/2020 Snippet, ANSTEORRA RANGERS.